gamebench_api_client.models.dataframes.generic package


gamebench_api_client.models.dataframes.generic.abstract_generic module

class gamebench_api_client.models.dataframes.generic.abstract_generic.AbstractGenericModel(**request_parameters)[source]

Bases: gamebench_api_client.models.abstract_model.AbstractModel, abc.ABC

Concrete class for models needing to access the Generic Frame Mediator.

Each model is kept as it’s own class so new methods can be added individually as needed.


Sets up the mediator and data attributes.

The mediator is set to the mediator that it will be contacting. The data is set to the DataFrame returned from the get_results method.


Returns a Pandas DataFrame containing metric data from a response json.

Returns:Pandas DataFrame containing metric data.

gamebench_api_client.models.dataframes.generic.generic_models module

All modules that use the GenericMediator.

The classes inherit from the AbstractGenericModel. Each model is kept as its own class so new behavior can be added individually as needed.

class gamebench_api_client.models.dataframes.generic.generic_models.Keyword(**request_parameters)[source]

Bases: gamebench_api_client.models.dataframes.generic.abstract_generic.AbstractGenericModel

Object to set the results for a keyword search.

METRIC_PATH = '/typeahead'
class gamebench_api_client.models.dataframes.generic.generic_models.Markers(**request_parameters)[source]

Bases: gamebench_api_client.models.dataframes.generic.abstract_generic.AbstractGenericModel

Object to set the Markers information for a session.

METRIC_PATH = '/markers'
class gamebench_api_client.models.dataframes.generic.generic_models.SessionNotes(**request_parameters)[source]

Bases: gamebench_api_client.models.dataframes.generic.abstract_generic.AbstractGenericModel

Object to set the Session Notes for a session.

METRIC_PATH = '/notes'
class gamebench_api_client.models.dataframes.generic.generic_models.SessionSummary(**request_parameters)[source]

Bases: gamebench_api_client.models.dataframes.generic.abstract_generic.AbstractGenericModel

Object to set the Session Summary information for a session.

Instance variables represent the inner dictionaries present in the SessionSummary DataFrame. They return a DataFrame with only that data in it.


Sets up the mediator and data attributes.

The mediator is set to the mediator that it will be contacting. The data is set to the DataFrame returned from the get_results method.

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