gamebench_api_client.models.creator package


gamebench_api_client.models.creator.model_creator module

class gamebench_api_client.models.creator.model_creator.ModelCreator(model, **request_parameters)[source]

Bases: object

Creates model objects based on the users requirements.

Class variables are composed of the different models and which modules they are in.

MODELS_AND_MODULES = {'gamebench_api_client.models.dataframes.generic.generic_models': ['FpsStability', 'Keyword', 'Markers', 'SessionNotes', 'SessionSummary'], 'gamebench_api_client.models.dataframes.session_detail.session_detail_models': ['App', 'Device', 'Location', 'Metrics', 'NetworkUsage'], 'gamebench_api_client.models.dataframes.time_series.time_series_models': ['Battery', 'Cpu', 'CpuCoreFrequency', 'Energy', 'Fps', 'Energy', 'GpuImg', 'Gpu', 'Janks', 'Memory', 'Network', 'Power']}
__init__(model, **request_parameters)[source]

Sets up the instance of a needed model.

  • model – The name of the model that the user wants.
  • request_parameters

    This will be a dictionary from the client that includes the following keys:

    session_id: ID for a specific session. metric: Which metric the user requested (cpu, memory, etc.). auth_token: Auth token for the user. params: URL appended filters. data: Dictionary of filter keywords.

Returns the instance of a specified model.

Return instance:
 Instance of a model.
exception gamebench_api_client.models.creator.model_creator.ModelNotFound(model)[source]

Bases: Exception

Raised when the model given doesn’t exist.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

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