gamebench_api_client.api.requests_retriever.request_adapter package


gamebench_api_client.api.requests_retriever.request_adapter.adapter module

class gamebench_api_client.api.requests_retriever.request_adapter.adapter.Adapter[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Abstract adapter for external HTTP request services.


Abstract init that creates an empty service object.


Abstract method to make a request.

class gamebench_api_client.api.requests_retriever.request_adapter.adapter.RequestsAdapter(**request_attributes)[source]

Bases: gamebench_api_client.api.requests_retriever.request_adapter.adapter.Adapter

Concrete adapter to use the Requests library to send an api call.


Receives request attributes to use for the request and creates _service object.

The request library is imported within the init to help define exactly where it is used.

Parameters:request_attributes – Dictionary containing the following keys and values: method - Request method to use (POST, GET, etc.). url - Rest endpoint to send a request to. attributes - Dictionary containing other keyword arguments to add to the request.

Concrete implementation to send a request call through Requests.

Returns:A requests.Response object -

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