Source code for gamebench_api_client.api.utilities.dataframe_utilities

import pandas
from import json_normalize

[docs]def to_dataframe(response_json): """ Create a Pandas DataFrame object from a Session response json. :param response_json: response json returned from a session request. :return: Pandas DataFrame generated by an entire session response json. """ return pandas.DataFrame(response_json)
[docs]def session_detail_to_dataframe(metric, response_json): """ Creates a Pandas DataFrame for non-time-series session detail. The session summary object contains multiple inner dictionaries. This method should be used to get one of those metrics and put the values into a DataFrame. :param metric: The specific dictionary needed from the response json (eg: app, device, metric). :param response_json: response json returned from a session request. :return: Pandas DataFrame generated by a single session request json dictionary. """ return pandas.DataFrame(data=[response_json[metric]])
[docs]def json_to_normalized_dataframe(response_json): """ Normalizes a semi-structured JSON data into a flat table. This is necessary for time-series and other similarly-structured objects. :param response_json: Response JSON returned from session request. :return normalized_dataframe: Pandas DataFrame containing normalized JSON data. """ normalized_dataframe = json_normalize( response_json, 'samples', ['id', 'sessionId'] ) return normalized_dataframe